Complementary programme

A complementary endoscopic programme dedicated to endoscopy professionals.  

19 September

Margrét Marín Arnardóttir
9:35-10:05Tips for Effective Observation of the Esophagus and Pharynx: Let’s do it together!
Ken Namikawa
10:05-10:40Optimal handling of the endoscopic resection specimen:
How do we prepare the speciment in the best way for the patology department?
Michael Vieth, Germany
10:40-11:10Olympus Dual Focus gastroscope and narrow band imaging
Þorbergur Ásgeir Einarsson
11:10-11:40Visit to the Endoscopy Department of Landspítali
Þórhildur Höskuldsdóttir

The complementary programme will take place in Hringsalur at  Landspitali Hospital, Hringbraut.
For more information, please contact Þórhildur Höskuldsdóttir at